Carol and John Bandurchin have delivered a stunning selection of their pottery. The collection includes bowls, platters, mugs and dip sets. Their glaze is very unique as you can see from these pictures. We always get a great response to their pottery and the bowls and platters make ideal wedding gifts.
Welcome toardith one, Canadian Pottery and Crafts.We were established in 1971 and have been at our present location, 3311 Yonge Street for 40 years. We represent over 60 Canadian potters plus carry several glass lines, jewelry, iron work and wooden decoys. Our mandate is to carry functional pottery at affordable prices. The name "ardith" is Bev's middle name. We have a websitewww.ardithone.comand encourage you to visit it for more information on the store. I am using this blog to keep our customers up to date on what's new in the store.