Friday, July 10, 2015

Lots of deliveries!!!

We have just picked up and received 6 pottery deliveries. We are very excited to have Barb Howe back in the store with her new frost, turquoise and landscape. The teaset is exquisite!


 Also got the Carole and John Bandurchin order with their three glazes (blue, green and copper) done in that unique style
 and Gary Allen's bowls, pie plate, teaset, piggy banks and tumblers.
We very excited to have Melissa Schooley's new "crimson" glaze in the store. As many of you know it's a temperamental glaze and very difficult to fire.
New potter, Isabelle Hout, is from Montreal. As you can see it's very unique...a combination of rustic and stylish. We have egg cups, flutes and bowls. 
We now have a great selection of porcelain by Joseph Panacci...bowls, vases, platters and mugs.

 The store is packed with pottery. Whether you need a wedding, cottage or house gift...we have it covered! Come in and have a look.